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Gluteus muscle is one of the most popular muscle for training .
All clients of fitness clubs want obtain perfect shape of this
part of body .
But Gluteus machines which now produce by companies do not allows
to make good training and cannot give effective results in reality.
Well-known constructions of Gluteus machines was elaborated in 1940's ,
and till now all companies produce three biomechanical versions of
Gluteus machines :
They have different technical details and designs ,
but all of them have the same biomechanical base :
All constructions demand from sportsman to stand on one leg
( or knee ) and use hands and ( sometimes ) abdomen and chest
for hold position training on all constructions of Gluteus machines .
Sportsman must to strain muscles in this pose :
1. Supporting leg ,
2. Back ,
3. Hands and Shoulders ,
4. Flexors of working leg .
Please note these muscles do not training , they are forced
to be in static contraction . Such work is very wearisome, so
muscles get tired without training results .
Also well-known Gluteus machines have next negative
points which not allow to make good training :
a ) Sportsman can to train only one Gluteus muscle :
either left or right .
( You know that more effective training is both
muscles training . Training machines for other muscles
can train left and right muscles simultaneously ) .
b ) Left and right Gluteus muscles make different
contraction ( static and dynamic ) during exercise .
There is a need to slightly relax dynamic contraction
of working Gluteus .
c ) Standing pose not allows to sportsman to make
movement in full trajectory .
d ) If sportsman use abdomen or/and chest for lean
against special bench his breath can be laboured .
e ) Second technical version of traditional Gluteus
machine have special popliteal thrust which create
harmful pressure to tendons of working leg flexors.
Also it is injurious for venues and lymphatic vessels
in popliteal .
f ) Gluteus muscle must lift up leg ( behind back ) .
It is not natural vector of movement for
this muscle , so muscular fibres of Gluteus
cannot make good contraction .
These aggregates cannot force Gluteus muscle to create strong
contraction . Gluteus is one of the five big muscles
and should be trained with more powerful contraction.
I elaborated perfect construction of Gluteus machine :
* Both Gluteus muscles work together . * Gluteus work in full trajectory . * All other muscle relax during training of Gluteus . * Breath is free . * Gluteus muscles do not have pressure from seat
* Gluteus muscles pull down legs . It is natural
* Natural biomechanical pose , with support on food
In the aggregate New Gluteus machine allows
Please , compare biomechanics of well - known
Such high effective training makes muscles stronger
You can read opinions of experts.
I have interest to My know-how allows to your Company become
Grigory Dlugopolskiy Specialist in biomechanics . E - mail: Phone : + 7 ( 495 ) 187-22-39 .
Large image (590 kB)
and Gluteus muscles have good blood circulation .
vector for movement for this muscle ,
so exercise becomes easy and more effective .
but not to buttocks , allows to motor-motivation
system create additional impellent which send via
motor nerves more power innervating impulses ,
and muscular fibres of Gluteus contract with
special power .
to Gluteus muscles to train with full power .
So sportsman can use more big weight than he use
if make exercise in well - known Gluteus machine
apparatuses and my New Gluteus machine:
Video1 (12 mb.)
Video2 (19 mb.)
So sportsman can use bigger weight than he useed
in previous well - known Gluteus machines .
and allows to create good shape of Gluteus muscles .
know your opinion.
You can write it in guest book
or to send
on e-mail.
absolute leader in market .